Canaan in Hell: #20 Canaan

You should never give up on life, no matter how you feel.  No matter how badly you want to give up.”–Canaan

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Anime explained to a newbie: Mercenary women are intertwined by terrorism. 

Another anime from the files of finding anime in different places. This time, the anime was found through Google Store. I’ve always been intrigued by strong female protagonists. That’s what caught my eye with Canaan, a series that tells a pretty good story within 13 episodes. The titular character is strong but also shows plenty of flaws when faced with her rival. This proves to be important because their final encounter is made better for it. Lot of gun-slinging makes this one a good one to binge watch on a lazy Saturday.

You’ll probably like: The story is good and the final showdown between the rivals is worth it

You’ll probably hate:  The main character will frustrate you with her indecisiveness

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