Power Rangers with Armor: #19 Ronin Warriors

“I’m on fire from the inside out, but my body’s more powerful than ever.”–Ryo of Wildfire

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Anime explained to a newbie: 5 teenagers with attitude must stop the forces of…wait…wrong show.

I remember my first 2 anime I watched. One was Dragon Ball Z (in my Hall of Fame) and the second was this. Known as Samurai Troopers in Japan, Ronin Warriors has a very special place in my anime heart. As a kid who also loved Power Rangers (i.e. a minimum 5 man team battling against a big bad), I quickly gravitated to Ronin Warriors, thanks in large part to my uncle. He would religiously record the episodes on VHS (yes, I’m that years old) and he gave it to me so I can watch. As a kid, watching the warriors get their armors and use their special moves really gave me thrills and reminded me of a video game feel and it was awesome. Granted as you get older, you realize they recycled animation a lot throughout the series, no different than how they did with a lot of animated shows back then. But that doesn’t change the fact this anime is a fun show to watch when you want that old school nostalgia of the late 80s and early 90s.

You’ll probably like: The nostalgia and old school animation style.  The Lady Kayura episodes are a delight.

You’ll probably hate: For only 39 or so episodes, they draw out a lot of the plot

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