SWAG: The Cartoon All Swag Teams

Swag.  It’s a word that quickly got overplayed, overused, and uncool the minute nerdy kids started using it.  When used correctly, the word still has meaning.  Swag is cool, confidence, fly, fresh–in essence, anyone can have swag.  Swag means something different to everyone.  You can have nerdy swag, awkward swag, and one of my personal favorites, “sit there” swag.

Of course you know where I’m going with this.  I thought about what cartoon characters have the most swag.  And thus this totally unnecessary list was born.

I separate the swaggiest cartoon characters All NBA style, breaking them down into 3 teams, a 3rd Team All Swag, a 2nd and of course a 1st.

Just Missed the Cut

Johnny Bravo:  Elvis impersonator swag.  Sunglasses inside swag.  Meathead swag.

Doug: Schizophrenic swag.  Sweater vest swag. Anxiety swag.

Fred Jones:  Ascot swag.  Groovy van swag.  Early loss of virginity swag.

Tommy Pickles:  Diaper swag.  Nakie swag.  “These parents can’t hold me back” swag.

3rd Team All Swag

Arnold, Hey Arnold

His Swag Points:  Arnold wears a long ass flannel shirt that has been confused for both a kilt and a skirt (waaaayyyyy before ASAP Rocky or Jaden Smith thought that was ok) but he kept wearing it.  And no one gave him that much grief over it.  Added points for being able to wear such a small hat and rarely ever losing it.

Rocket J Squirrel, Rocky & Bullwinkle

His Swag Points:  He’s a flying squirrel.  Where most of these weak ass squirrel characters running around for nuts, my man out here flying through the air.  But look at that fly head gear.  I only know of one character who can pull off that look better…we may get to him later.

Mordecai & Rigby, Regular Show

Their Swag Points:  I mean the above picture is proof enough.  When these guys get dressed, they are always decked out in the fly gear.  But let’s not forget that these two can and will drop dope bars at a moments notice.  Two of the coolest modern characters today.

Pepper Ann, Pepper Ann

Her Swag Points:Look at her outfit bruh.  Purple shirt.  Whacked out skirt.  Fresh kicks.  Ginger hair.  I mean just absolutely horrendous.  But she kills it.  Very dope of her to pull this off.  She plays by her own rules and that’s swaggy in itself.

Twister, Rocket Power

His Swag Points:  What he lacks in brains, Twister makes up in swag.  That fresh backwards cap to go along with that very absurd small hair out the front is really his calling card.  Plus he’s able to pull off the cargo pants.  Nice.

2nd Team All Swag

Kim Possible, Kim Possible

Her Swag Points:  Kim Possible is one of the rarest cartoon characters you’ll meet in that she has numerous different outfits she wears throughout the series.  And whether it’s her trademark green tank, her crime fighting gear, or her prom dress, she nailed the outfit.  Kim may just be the best dressed character of all time if we’re being serious.

Shaggy, Scooby Doo, Where Are You?

His Swag Points:  Someone had to start the long tee trend and you’re looking at the originator.  If you’re a skinny, tall guy (like myself), here is your swagger idol.  Plus, we all know he has that stoner swag.

Edd, Ed, Edd, & Eddy

His Swag Points:  First off, let us praise the skully.  Sure it’s supposed to hide his scalp but I like to think he’s just a very dope guy.  Edd has that awkward swag.  He’s very sheepish but what he doesn’t know is that he’s the coolest of all the Eds.  I mean look at him randomly repping the Toronto Raptors colors.

Top Cat, Top Cat

His Swag Points:  This is one bad feline.  Life as an alley cat should be tough but when you got as much swag as this cat, you don’t really have to worry.  Look at that pose; not a worry in the world.  But he isn’t the only cat that earned a spot on the 2nd team…

Snagglepuss, Snagglepuss

His Swag Points:  He has some very dope catchphrases that increase his swag.  And just look at that bow tie and cuff combo.  And he is the originator of proving that you can have tons of swag with the pink.

1st Team All Swag

TJ Detweiller, Recess

Before you knew snapbacks were cool, TJ was killing the game.  Ok so he only had the red one but he pulled it off nicely.  The fresh T shirt with the grey jacket was his go to outfit and though simple, fit the down to earth leader of the coolest clique on the playground.  He’s also co-founder of his own word and got other kids to say it.  Now that’s swag.

Tom, Tom & Jerry

His Swag Points:  A surprise pick to some but a perfect pick to me, Tom has definitely got swag.  Have you seen the Zoot Suit episode?  I mean come on!  Not only that, he’s known to play a host of different instruments.  When he isn’t getting sabotaged by his friend/frenemy Jerry, he’s quite popular with the ladies.  For a guy who 80% of the time can’t talk, he always drops a dope song every now and again.  “Is You Is or Is You Ain’t My Baby” is a certified classic.

Snoopy, Peanuts

#HonestyHour:  This position was originally held by Snagglepuss until I remembered one tiny detail.  Snoopy is Joe F**king Cool.  The coolest kid (dog?) in school.  Look at that stance.  Dark shades on like it’s nobody business. Got his own “Joe Cool” gear.  But that’s not all Snoopy has in his swagged out arsenal.  He can switch it up and be the Red Baron, giving Rocky a run for his money when it comes to head gear.  Or he can just be plain old Snoopy, who arguably is the most popular character to come out of the Peanuts universe.  Cool indeed.

Gerald, Hey Arnold

His Swag Points:  Ok first off, how many dudes you know was rocking the long sleeve jersey?  Huh? HUH? How many dudes you know was rocking the “Mt Everest” high top fade huh?  Kid from Kid N Play?  Nah it wasn’t as swagged out as Gerald’s.  Who you know can help clean up an entire vacant lot, morph into a baseball field and when everyone asked what to call it, you yell out “Gerald Field” and then EVERYBODY just goes along with it?  Who out here telling neighborhood legends?  But most importantly and where me and Gerald saw eye to eye…who out here making these smart Asian girls horny as shit?  GERALD that’s who.  BUT he just missed out on MVP.


Pink Panther, Pink Panther

His Swag Points:  Snagglepuss may have been the originator but The Pink Panther took swagging out pink to new heights.  I mean the cocky smirk, the smooth walk and the overall carefree attitude makes him one of the coolest and definitely the most swagged out character ever.  And if you really, really need more convincing must I remind bruh has his own walking theme song?  When you have your own theme song, one that’s been mimicked across multiple pop culture media and replicated by bands across the world, you definitely have earned the MVP honors of Swaggiest Cartoon Character.


Tall Guy

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